Thursday, June 19, 2008

Julie passed the exam!!

YEAH!!! She's officially a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner. It took about a year to complete the courses, internship, case studies, and sit for the exam. And the great news is she passed! We knew she would do it!
Tai (from NYC), Brandy (from Washington State), and Julie - they ALL PASSED! Julie with one of her case study animals - Thunder.

Monday, June 9, 2008

KJ and MB make it to CLT!!!

The globe trotting Kyle & MaryBeth made a stop in - of all places - Charlotte! They brought the two Wonder Dogs - Syd & Maxine - who got to sit in our kitchen for the evening. It has been quite a while since we were able to spend some time with them, so it was great to catch up over a meal at one of our favorite restaurants. Y'all are welcome back anytime... And here's a plug for The Viewfinder Project - a great way to foster creativity in children that will aid them through their entire lives!