Sunday, November 18, 2007

Martin in Greenville, SC

What a beautiful day it was to spend time with our friend Martin (from the UK) at a park in Greenville, SC of all places! We had a fun afternoon just hanging out at Reedy Falls Park right in the middle of town. Although we missed seeing Jo (his wife) and Grace (their beautiful little one), it was really nice to see him and laugh at his stories and learn more of what's been going on in the world... Special thanks to our friends Heth & Cindy for the park recommendation. :-)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Farmer Julie

Julie did some condo-farming this year! She planted two Sweet Bell Pepper plants, a green one and a red one...

Above is the Green Bell Pepper plant...

And here's the Red Bell Pepper plant... Can't you tell? We think there was some cross-pollination going on... They may have been small, but they were tasty in pasta sauce.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Anguilla 2007 (and St. Martin too)

July 23 - August 1, 2007. We've found a new favorite in the Caribbean! The island of Anguilla, British West Indies. We also went to French St. Martin and enjoyed it too - but not near as much as Anguilla.

Tim & Julie on our balcony at Carimar on Meads Bay, Anguilla

The town of Grand Case, French St. Martin. Lots of restaurants!

Sugar Bird!! (aka Bananaquit and Kissy-bird)
Tim at Grand Case Beach Resort, French St. Martin. Creole Rock in the background.
Julie at Grand Case Beach Resort, French St. Martin
Meads Bay sunset... from our deck at Carimar Beach Resort, Anguilla
Meads Bay rainbow (after our 10 minute rain)
Tim at Rendevous Bay. Julie snorkelling at Shoal Bay.
Julie at Barnes Bay. Shells on Rendevous Bay.
Sea Cushion, a yellow fish, Parrot Fish, a Stop Light Parrot Fish, and a Queen Angel Fish
Sea Spider, Sea Urchin with Sea Spider, Squirrel Fish, a cool little fish with a red top, and pretty purple Coral
Spotted Eagle Ray, Eel, Fireworm, Trumpet Fish, two Squid, French Angel Fish
Dolphins!! Dolphin Discovery Anguilla BWI
A Tucan, Macaw, and (blurry) Red Parrot (at Dolphin Discovery)
Dolphin trainers being SHOT STRAIGHT IN THE AIR!!!
"Only in Anguilla!!!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Introducing... Buck!

On June 16th, 2007, we took ONE cat to the vet for a regular check up - but we came home with TWO! Our home hasn't been the same since... Buck is "bumble-ee" and not very coordinated: he falls off things and slides in the kitchen with his furry paws. But he's as cute as they come - and we're glad he's joined the family. If only he would eat his food slowly, and not vacuum it up so fast!
(No, it's not bath time... this was Buck's bed the first few nights.)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

We met Mr. Pryor!!

So on June 3rd, 2007 we got to meet the one-and-only...... Andrew Pryor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the webmaster of Sound Mind Investing (my favorite mutual fund investing website and message board) and is totally up on all the new things going on. He's quite the savvy techno-gadget enthusiast. Along with Andrew were his two girls, his wife (Angie), his two brothers (Tre & Matthew) and their wives (Jen & Kim) and all of their children. About 13 grown-ups and youngins' combined. Oh yeah, and his mom and dad too, so make that 15 total I think. Ok, so we caught them on a family vacation in South Carolina... But Andrew did invite us. We did a lot of talking about everything you can imagine, scoping the island out, getting his dad's autograph in my SMI Handbook, and even fed some apples to the deer - by hand! Julie and I found out what a wonderful family of believers they are and were really encouraged by the visit. All of it was really really cool. Thanks Andrew!
Andrew, Macy, Angie, & Regan

Tim, Andrew, Julie, & Macy Feeding the Deer

Julie and Macy feeding the Deer