So on June 3rd, 2007 we got to meet the one-and-only......
Andrew Pryor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's the webmaster of
Sound Mind Investing (my favorite mutual fund investing website and message board) and is totally up on all the new things going on. He's quite the savvy techno-gadget enthusiast.
Along with Andrew were his two girls, his wife (Angie), his two brothers (Tre & Matthew) and their wives (Jen & Kim) and all of their children. About 13 grown-ups and youngins' combined. Oh yeah, and his mom and
dad too, so make that 15 total I think.
Ok, so we caught them on a family vacation in South Carolina... But Andrew did invite us. We did a lot of talking about everything you can imagine, scoping the island out, getting his dad's autograph in my
SMI Handbook, and even fed some apples to the deer - by hand! Julie and I found out what a wonderful family of believers they are and were really encouraged by the visit.
All of it was really really cool. Thanks Andrew!
Andrew, Macy, Angie, & Regan
Tim, Andrew, Julie, & Macy Feeding the Deer
Julie and Macy feeding the Deer